Worskhop Photonics in Flatland

The workshop Photonics in Flatland: empowering nanophotonics with 2D semiconductors will take place in Leiden, The Netherlands, during June 3-7, 2024. It is supported by the Lorentz Center and organized by Jorik van de Groep, Isabelle Staude, Sonia Conesa-Boj, Zhipei Sun, and Alberto Curto.

This special event will be discussion-centered to encourage the identification of challenges and opportunities and to foster collaboration between participants from different areas of nanophotonics and 2D semiconductors.

The workshop is open for submissions for oral and poster presentations through the registration form in the workshop website. The registration fees are covered by the Lorentz Center for all participants and include lunch and social activities.

Submissions will be evaluated on a rolling basis until seats are filled. Register your abstract before February 29 for full consideration